" Since I have started this profession, the study of dental morphology has always been my passion. My unique reference, The Nature !
Today, reproduction of natural teeth is still my guide to progress. "



Gerald Ubassy, dental ceramist, gold medal prize-winner of best workmen of France contest in 1986, directs his own laboratory since 1982.

Author of 3 books :

  • "SHAPE AND COLOR" the keys to success in dental ceramic porcelain (Quintessence Publishing), translated into 7 languages and a book for communication regarding natural teeth,
  • "ANALYSIS", the New Way in Dental Communication, Publishers "M.E.A" as well as a recent book about his work philosophy and all his hints :
  • "TIPS AND HINTS" translated into 14 languages, publishers "Teamwork media srl".

Organizer for more than fifteen years of practical training courses in his International Dental Training Center in Rochefort du Gard, he still  shares and communicates his knowledge in his lectures and training courses.